I wrote the lyrics and melody for Younger, but did not record my own version of the song. Instead I paid Douglas Haines to record it for me.

Song Title: Younger

Click Here to download the MP3 file for Younger


Verse 1:
The whirling twirling energy
it pulses through your veins
when every day's a wonder
and boundless freedom reigns

But rhythm of a soul
no longer beats so fast
thrust into this world
and just not made to last

I wanna be younger
wash away the wrinkles from my skin
I just wanna be younger
live for the moment and do it all again

Verse 2:
As I sit and turn the pages
on the story of my life
with endless summer skylines
and brilliant colors rife

Some moments they are lost
just get lost in the moment
you only have one life
so live it like you own it

I wanna be younger
wash away the wrinkles from my skin
I just wanna be younger
live for the moment and do it all again

Yah I wanna be younger
I just wanna be younger
I just wanna be younger
I just wanna be younger


Reviews of Younger from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (song score: 6.8 out of 10):

  • The guitar sounds very sweet throughout the song. His voice sounds very soothing in this song along with the way he sings. Adding the other voice adds a nice effect to the song. The people singing the song have emotions and you could hear it in their voice.
  • Nice finger picking guitar playing. Lyrics of wonder and freedom. Heartfelt and warm lyrics that one can listen too while having some whiskey. The lyrics reminisce about being young again and being able to live the wild life again. A tone of wisdom for the young who may soon be in the same position they are in. The song is definitely one of the more accessible tunes.
  • Great beat and rhythm, the voice is just the cherry on top to make this an amazing composition, the sound is just great the guitar with his voice works perfect, as soon as it started i felt like he was singing right infront of me and automatically put a smile on my face, great lyrics just get to the perfect spot.
  • Nice guitar playing at first! You have nice, emotional voice! I enjoy your voice! I like your harmony. Many people want to be younger. To earn money is not that easy. I love that how your words are so clear! I can hear that you only have guitar as your musical instruments. You should use other musical instruments like piano, or keyboard. To create better atmosphere. And also, you can use drum, to create nice beat for the background but make sure the drum is not played too loud to cover your voice. It will be so much more bonus for you if you have improved your musical instrument skills.
  • The tune has some smaller harmonies that are very light and sound very sullen sometimes. His voice is really recognizable as something very unique so that is one point for him. Interesting originality to his singing, he could have a lot of people on his fanbase who love the ballad genre. Slower pitch and tempo sometimes comes off as a bland time. I would have loved for him to just let go and enjoy a happier and more wild singing and music style one time.
  • The acoustic guitar sounds lovely with the simplistic plucking. The lyrics are well suited to such a beautiful melody and rhythm. The vocalist is professionally sounding and has good passion with his performance. There is good balance within the melody. The song is not boring and makes me feel relaxed. The song is soothing. The lyrics have good meaning. A well composed song overall.
  • I enjoy this simple, beautiful acoustic song very much. Especially the harmonies. At first, it reminded me of "The Tallest Man on Earth." The lyrics are a bit cliche but it is still very relatable and soothing to listen to. I would be interested to hear the other topics that this artist writes about.
  • This song does not have a very good beat to it. I did not feel very good listening to it. I did however enjoy the song's instruments. This song was not very good. I did love the lyrics to this song. I overall give this song a 4/10.
  • This recording needs to be upgraded. The vocals are smooth and they are reflective of the lyrics. There could be a little more happiness shown in his emotions though. The acoustic guitar shows skill and gives the song a light airy tone. The harmony line of the vocals could do with a changes. The lyrics are nostalgic and will appeal to most people.
  • I liked the finger style pattern that you used in this song it sounded really cool. The vocals in this song were interesting how they told a story. The Timbre however could have used with a few more instruments, possibly a drum kit in the background, or another guitar that would strum chords. Because the structure of the song was not very good, to improve this song I would suggest that you add some more instruments and maybe a backup vocalist if you have access to one.
  • The beginning was nice and soft sounding. The vocals fit the softness of the melody of the song. The melody was a bit plain, but it got better with the beat. The vocals and lyrics went hand in hand with this sad - type of song. The digital effects were not necessary and I am quite glad this song does not need them. The rhythm flowed quite well and fit the melody and beat. The song was a bit bland, but was good nonetheless.
  • I like the picking of the guitar, and I don't know if there are two guitars or if it is just one really good and fast guitarists. I like the soothing, relaxing vibe of this song. The singer's voice is very calm but emotion filled, and the harmony emphasizes that quality. I know that I usually don't like country style music, but I actually really like this song a lot. I think its because there is no obvious twang.
  • I like this slow song. The lyrics are simple and sweet. The music is pretty. The vocals are nice and smooth. I didn't hear no mistakes. I have nothing bad to say about this song . This song will do well because it is quite different than any other song i've heard before. This song is about older people wishing they could be younger there arn't alot of songs like that out there.
  • I like the voice of the vocalist. I like the simplicity of the song. It's nice, calm, and soothing. It sounds like a little country but more folk. I can see listening to this with my eyes closed on a front porch swing. It was very short. That is my only complaint and it's not really a complaint!
  • Great song it literally had me tearing up. I really dig this song and I think anyone over the age of 20 years old can vibe with it. The man has an amazing voice and the music is so smooth it has a country vibe but with an easy listening cross over feel. The lyrics are breath taking, no matter how old you are everyone has regrets and this song captures it magically.
  • This is a great song and performance. The melody and beat is strong and tuneful. The singer's voice is attractive and well developed, supporting the lyrics he brings forth. The lyrics are relate able and understandable for people who might be older and made bad decisions when they were younger. The guitar was pleasant to listen too, adding a richness to the song.
  • The intro with the guitar give the feeling of nostalgia. Love it the lyrics, speaks to everyone so beautiful topic in your verses. Your singing is great for the song. I would love to hear drums and other instruments in the song so the song wasn't bad. The more your experiment with other things in your songs the more interesting crowds you will attract. Other than that it was better than average.
  • With this particular song, a distinct lead in could be noticed. There was a soft instrumental lead into the vocal portion of the song which was done very well. I enjoyed the country tone to the artist with the soothing and calming instrumental touch. As for the lyrics, there was meaning and could easily relate the listener to the song. Wanting to go back and do it all again and enjoy that time in your younger years is something that could easily be related to so that does benefit the overall quality of the song. To add, there was a nice rhythm created mainly rooting from the vocal and instrumental flow that brings this feeling of harmony and a flow to the listener. Overall, good tune, good vocals, good instrumentals.
  • Okay so this one is hard. I'm stuck. I'm not sure if i like it are not. The introduction was really good, very subtle. Worked very well with his lyrics whitch was very well placed as well! He had all his instruments there as well. So i have made my own mind up, I like the song.
  • I like the depressing tune that this song carries on with it. It's a little bit of a mysterious and very quiet vibe that goes on. I don't feel much rhythm in the vocalist. He really has a broad vocal range but needs some practice. I think that adding a chorus to this song would benefit it a lot.
  • In regards to country music, I believe that the sound of the music is a key to how listeners respond to the song. I believe that the beautiful guitar playing that comes on in the beginning makes the song a definite 7. It's a deep song that touches my soul... which is what country music is known to do... have meaningful music. It allows me to reflect over my life which is effective.
  • I enjoy acoustic guitar riffs like this very much. The voices of the singers goes along with these very nicely. They also harmonize very nicely with each other when they are both present. Though this isn't really my style of music I enjoy it. 7/10.
  • The song lyrics are a existential self examination of a man's life wondering what he did right and wrong and what he do again if he had it all to do again if he was younger do so. The music is fitting a guitar, it sounds like a pop country ballad .
  • The tune of the track was quite slow and not very interesting. I found the track quite boring and mundane. However, I thought the vocals were very expressive, tuneful and distinctive. The lyrics were very different to many current songs and were quite meaningful which I enjoyed. The song was creative but just not interesting and exciting enough for me.
  • This artist has a great voice but I felt like there were a few pitch problems in spot. The guitar is a soft rolling accompanyment that suits the vocals well. I couldn't identify with the lyrics personally but I do understand the general message. It was a little repetitive at the end. The intro led us into the song nicely, but it ended abruptly.

Below is a version of Younger by Chris Davidson :

Reviews of Younger (song score: 5.8 out of 10) from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service:

  • Nice start, it sounds nice and full of sunshine. I enjoy the vocalist's voice. I like the drummer and the guitarist. The beat carries well, and the lyrics carry meaning. I enjoy the real world struggle of this song. It is also pretty serene, and the bass line is pretty good. This is a good song overall.
  • Intro comes in nice and strong not too loud or quiet, though the vocals are too quiet, and the lyrics dont make any sense. the beat turns into poor quality through the song, he cant keep the flow going and cant keep me interested in the song. i wouldnt recommend this song to anyone today.
  • The nice beat and rythm of the background comes through right off the beginning notes. There are tendencies to bring the chords of his to a continous steady amount of quality potential. The marketability might not be there, I don't see him making lot of hit songs if even just one of them.The singing is really the loudest and most powerful though for sure, and his pitch is fine.
  • This song is really loud and is not really "clear". There's a big echo and it sounds like you record this in a warehouse. The lyrics are easy to understand and the vocals are pretty nice sounding. The instruments in the background are also good as they fit in with the vocals. The lyrics are also pretty good. They have a pretty good meaning to them.
  • Up beat summer time song. This is for a country music lover, The instrumental goes with the beat and the lyrics. perfect for someone who enjoys this type of music. The lyrics are sad no matter what it says any country song will bring you down. It is a slow song if you feel down listen to this song. good job.
  • I feel the intro of this tune is pretty cool. I like how the song has a swirl of energy and the lyrics are pretty good. The dynamic of the tune is pretty happening. I feel the lyrical content is pretty cool and I feel that the song is written very well. I love the sound of the guitar and feel the grove is great.
  • This is a tune that is comforting. It has the kind of sound that is peaceful. He tells a story the older generation loves as it plays out. It has a charming vibe that is great overall. Its great for easy listening radio stations. It has the soft rock sound that eases the mind.
  • The singer was not that great in this song. I found his voice to be somewhat annoying at times. I don't think that this performance was classy or had any direction. The song was really boring and the melody was weak. A lot of work is needed on this track.
  • The music is so nice but not new. it seems that it is not a catchy song. the lyrics are very clear and the male's voice is very deep and good. it is not my kind of music but i like this one very much.
  • I can see this song getting played on the radio and in commercials. Your voice has a 1980's vibe to it. The tone and harmonies were on key and sound good. Rhythm was special and made the song more realistic. Instruments sound magical and will keep the fans in a good mood.
  • Not my style of music, but can definitely see the talent and skill required to put it together, I love the doubled vocals during the song as well as the smooth guitar lingering in the background. I think one thing that could make it better is dropping out the instruments before moving into the next section (I don't wanna be younger), as I could see that adding a great little suspenseful feel to the song, Overall, not bad at all.
  • I really like the old style intro to this song with the guitar and drums. The vocals are done well and work well with the style of the track. The vocals are in tune throughout the track. One thing that could be done is have less of the effect on the vocals so we can hear it more clearly.
  • This song is nice the artists voice is very clear and goes along well with the music. The lyrics are different but they match the music everyone want's to be younger who could not like this song. The singer is singing with passion like this is how he really feels and that is important.
  • Big wall of sound pop has a slight country edge but seems to originate from Britain. The guitars and pace is mid-American, but the melody and playing sounds almost like a Jeff Lynne production of Traveling Wilburys. The Lennon-esque confessional lyrics and evocative natural descriptions are all telegraphed to a orchestrated arrangement of layered guitars and faux strings. Lovers of Crowded House, Beatles and Wilburys will clearly be entranced by this.
  • The introduction is really good, and I really like the authentic sound of the instrumentals. The vocals enhance the sound of the band in many ways, and make the atmosphere feel like a very large open area. The melody is also gorgeous, and really makes a great impact on the listener, that is both smooth, and graceful! The pace is great, and really allows the listener to hear every element of the song.
  • This song starts off on a nice positive sound. The sound quality of the vocals could be a tad sharper however. The performance has some merit but he could add some more expression and passion to his performance. The instrumentation is all right, but there is a rather bland retro sound to the music. The additional vocals are not needed. The lyrics will appeal to older listeners.
  • Love this. really REALLY well done. good sentiment. great fulness of sound. wash away the wrinkles from my skin. I mean who doesnt want that?! great guitars. mellow sound, i can really groove to this. I feel like the subject material i can really relate to. his voice is really raw and genuine. great bass and drums. overall just a really well rounded piece.
  • I do like this track, think it has got a good beat & i enjoy the rythem of it,the singer is very easy to listen to & the lyrics sound very believable, i think this track does have commercial potential if given the chance, 9/10 for me!
  • The introduction of the song is a very good start. The instruments work well with each other, and make the singers voice pop out much. You can tell the singer has a well amount of experience by the control of his voice. I feel as if the flow of the song and the singing don't match up completely well, but it isn't a big issue. The singer has a good voice, and the lyrics of the song seem to match the background music. The background music doesn't cover the singer, but instead supports him.
  • Nice music. amazing voice. i can tell he has a country voice. also i think he needs better lyrics. i don't like his lyrics at all. but his voice is like an angel. also he sounds like he is having a blast at singing. he sounds like he is having fun.
  • The beginning guittar is interesting. The lyrics are unique enough, and the different aspects come together and make a decent song. The song doesn't make too many risks, which lowers it's value to me. The percussion is pretty simple, I think making it more complex is something that could increase the piece.
  • I like the soft sounding guitar. The lyrics are alright. This isn't too catchy though. The voice is good while it goes along with the beat. No kind of melody though. I would want something to catch my attention. Maybe pinch a few things and it will be an alright song. Hopefully you make something better out of this.
  • The instrumentals are great. I really enjoyed they lyrics. Nice meaning and message. The singing itself basically sucks. Its not that you are flat of sharp your voice is just land it sounds like you are talking. Add more dynamic and rhythm changes. Also try singing more the one note the entire song. This song has many good points but your singing just isn't one of them. Singing lessons would also be a good idea.
  • I really like this song. The singer has a very classic voice and the lyrics are really well written. The background music is very nice as well. It doesn't have a super upbeat tempo but it isn't too slow either. I say well done.
  • This is a very uplifting and easy-to-listen-to song. The vocals are powerful without being too forced, and very reminiscent of David Bowie. Lyrics and production fit nicely together with the words being perfectly tailored to the gentle music accompaniment, however I feel the echo feature is slightly overused. I would definitely listen to this song regularly, and would feature it on some of my most-listened playlists.
  • The beat is good but the song overall isn't really for me. A little bit too slow. Not my kind of music. Sung well though. In my opinion it blends into the background noise. Too much like easy listening for me. Didn't take my fancy.
  • This song has a sound that reminds me a little bit of The Cure or The Killers. The lyrics really make you pay attention and listen to the singer's unique voice. The sound of this song is reminiscent of some older, new wave, bands which is unlike a lot of what is played on the radio today and I think that there are a lot of people that are looking for something different. This song could fit into that empty space.
  • This tune has really great sound. The singer and the band work well together and the vocals are great. The singer has an excellent voice and the lyrics tell a story about life. It is performed with a lot of feeling that draws you into the music. I enjoyed it and would listen to it again.
  • The song has a nice instrumental which is very pleasing, it will change mood and bring happiness. the artist sings with melodious vocal and really impresses. he sings with different tone of vocal tone time to time very effectively. this song is suitable to play at anytime.
  • The melody of this track does not attract the listener, even for soft rock or indie fans. The melody is not creative and sadly quite dull. The guitar riffs are weak and mediocre. The sound of the base guitar seems non-existent. The lyrics are okay, but does not connect with an avid, keen listener, much less a common audience. I felt like this track would be more appropriate as a jingle for a car commercial, as opposed to a full artistic song. I hate to write a bad review, but overall, the track is boring.
  • The songs introduction began and I knew I would not like this song. However, I think people who enjoy listening to this genre of music will be pleased with this song. I thought the lyrics in the song had a theme. I thought the lyrics had a hidden theme because the lyrics conveyed a good message and I enjoyed that.
  • Very good backing music with all the instruments working well together creating a nice relaxed vibe. The vocals and lyrics unfortunately let it down for me. The main problem with it is that its just not very inspired, nothing really grabs you so you would forget it 5 minutes after you heard it.
  • This song is well, very well prologue elements, but seems a bit unstable in the chorus, singer comfotable with exceptional voice but need further training on vocal skills, I think will better, this song seems a bit sketchy record, vocalist should draw more one the music, the friends are ok too, instrumental combinations is good, I like this part, repetitive rhythm, should changes little rhythm section of the chorus songs, sound should filter before making the recording debut, but this song is generally stable with highly entertaining, inspiring the listenger, you change a little further is complete, the talented artist !!! Good luck !!!

Click below to listen to a dance remix of Chris Davidson's version of Younger by Caruano95.

Reviews of Caruano95's remix of Younger from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (song score: 6.1 out of 10):

  • Cool instrumental section, but the vocals are not very harmonically pleasing at all. Perhaps not all the singers fault, but the distortion on the vocal track in the mix is not very appealing at all. The instrumental section is so very 80s it well definitely appeal to a niche crowd. Those that like the sound will love it Catchy, yet somewhat cliche. Decent song just not executed 100% to potential.
  • Has a strong, spacey feel to it, with a fantastic overlying beat. Very new-agey and with ecelctic lyrics that speak to the passage of time and its effects on humanity and the physical condition. Would play this song in the car and on long, ruminating drives.
  • This is calm and steady. the melody is inspiring. the vocals lack meaning. the instruments do not exactly match up with the vocals. the quality is a little dull. this song could be better. i like the tempo and beat. there are also many unique instruments. i love the way this song makes me feel.
  • The guitar fingerpicking at the start of the song produces a certain ambience. I was surprised when the synthesizer effect kicked in. I like how the lyrics say "I just want to be younger." I think there is a demographic that will identify with the lyric. On one hand it sounds like a dance track but at the same time it has a reflective quality to it.
  • The instrument in the beginning of the intro is uninspired. The rest of the instrumental accompaniment is varied and full. The artists voice is stylish and impressive and while there isn't a chorus with a drop like I was expecting it's still a very chill listen.
  • The intro is really slow and doesnt really build up the song like it should. The song is a bit fast for how slow the intro was. The song is pretty good and the music in the back works well with the lyrics. I dont think the gap between lyrics is really needed and could just be continuous. Either way, the song is decent but could be improved by some faster music. The vocalist is also a bit quiet and makes it a bit hard to understand the lyrics. Adding a guitar or piano could help the vocals be more important.
  • The starting music is good, but does not go with the singers voice. The edit on the voice is, to say the least, really bad. I think it wouldve been better if it was his natural voice, rather than have editted it, especially because it sounds edited, heavily. The music also doesnt really go with the song.
  • The song sounds very dreamlike, but the production keeps the track from really feeling fun. A lot of the parts of this song, like the lyrics and music, sound well made, but the apparent lack of professional production really detracts from it. If it was handled better, it would be much better.
  • The auto tune in the voice of the singer turns the reviewer off from the song. The beat sounds ok though. The message within the song appeals to the reviewer though and touches the reviewer on a deeper level. The lyrics echo the sentiment felt by the reviewer when he was younger.
  • This is a strong song from the first note. Great strong and powerful vocals. This artist sounds like Chris De Burgh. The singer can really sing well. Love his voice. The song is quite peppy and catchy. Love the little accompaniment which makes the song pop. The lyrics are fun, but nothing too meaningful. I think this singer has some amazing talent and this is not the right song for him.
  • Nice guitar once again. I do not like his voice. It sounds weird. Like he is singing in a different room. This little beat is cute. Very spunky. I like the bass in it. I wish I was younger too man. I like message in this song. Sorry about your wrinkles but wrinkles are nice. Lovey beat and this tempo is great. I like his descriptions.
  • The vocals of this song is just extrodinairey. i love this song every time i go to a party they put it on and i get really exited and pumped when i hear it. I think i really love this song because the beat and the beautiful and gorgeous voice.
  • The guitar has a nice tone opening the intro to the song. The vocals are nice and clean with a great tone and vibrato with deep meaningful sounding lyrics, with thought provoking sounds. The melody is nice with the drum kick and the pad effects with a digital background and are balanced rich instrumentals!
  • This song has a funny corny popcorn sound on the keyboard. It makes the tune sound like kid's theme or a novelty track. The vocalists remind me of Mumford and Sons. It's music with a slimmed down production. The melody drives the hook of the song instead of technology. It's authentic music with a chance to be a hit. The high pitched sounds are what make it seem clownish.
  • The beginning of the song was nice and moving, even throughout the whole song. However, I don't like the tune of singer's voice. It might be because the song's genre is alternative, but hearing his normal voice without that type of tune would make the song even better.
  • The music is lovely, calming and warm feeling. the singers voice sounds rather auto tuned. his voice doesn't fit in too well with the background music. i can imagine myself listening to a version that only has the background, not the singer voice, since I'm not particularly fond of his voice. this songs lyrics are rather average, but the background music makes up for it.
  • There is a ballad feel to this song, but the reverberation of the guitar detracts from it, and there is a strident tone to the singer's voice that is not improved by the synthetic distortion in the second stanza. The words are clear, though, and give the song a folksy feel. The song has potential if reworked.
  • The intro was relaxing and made me want to sit in a hot tub. Then it picked up and made for a faster paced song. The theme was retro and robotic with the beat and type of voice. The guy has a great voice and uses his voice to speak to the listener. The bridges were nice and fulfilled. He just wanted to be younger.
  • The guitar came in strong which i really like. Everything but the guitar, drums and lyrics suck. Nothing fit in with the way the song went. I hated the singing and the synthesizer thing that was playing over all of the good instruments. If the singing wasn't altered i feel like i would have liked this song just a little more.
  • I like the smooth intro into the singer's voice. The singer's voice is okay. It sounds like he put an effect on his voice to sound far away. I do not think that was a great idea, it makes his vocals sound awkward. I can tell that the artist's voice is really nice.
  • The music sounds like someone went to an enchanted forest where fairies lived and stole their music. The auto tune on the vocals is highly unnecessary. It sounds they used an echo effect from Garage Band on Mac and made the vocals sound as if they were recorded through a tube. Based on the lyrics and the intro music it appears that the artist is going for a pop vibe, but it took a left turn straight into techno before the chorus.

Click below to listen to a dance remix of Chris Davidson's version of Younger by Green Raver.

Reviews of Green Raver's remix of Younger from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (song score: 5.4 out of 10):

  • The intro is big and bright, something that grabbed my attention right away. The subtle vocal harmonies are doing a great job adding to a full body of sound. I don't like how the song lacks a big catchy and powerful chorus because the intro really led me to believe that it would only get bigger and better.
  • The voice that is playing a long note at the beginning of the song carries out into the body of the song, too. When the males voice is introduced into this song, it takes it up a notch. I agree with you when you are singing the lyrics, it would be nice to be a little bit younger so that you could enjoy life again.
  • I love this, its very nice loud and upbeat my kind of music i can dance to this at a party, very electronic instruments and his voice is good as well i like listening to the lyrics and i like how he can sing loud and it still sounds good. i would listen to this a lot. i really do like it much more than country or anything else, his voice is pretty. i think i have heard this song before it sounds like it has been on the radio, very good song.
  • I really liked this track; the mix of instruments in the background work very well with the singers' voice and add to the atmosphere of the track. That being said, I think the vocalist could use with less reverberation and autotune on his voice. The spiritual and high feeling of the background would go better with more down to earth vocals. The singer's voice is pretty nice. The bass is just a tad too heavy for my liking.
  • This song is loud and punchy. I like it a lot it has a nice kick to it. The voice is distorted and I have a hard time telling what he is saying but in a way that is kind of a good thing because that brings a nice mysterious aspect to this song. I also enjoy the sturdy beat of the kick drum in this one, it is very strong.
  • Dark creepy beat in the beginning pulls me in until I hear the lyrics . The lyrics sound fuzzy and it's too much going on with the beat. Something wrong with the song. The song had too much bass in the beat and that artist under the best which is why his voice is pretty fuzzy. Lyrics are great by the way.
  • The song is overbearing from the beginning. It sounds too overprocessed. The keyboard could be good with a little more variation. At times the singer sounds like he's wailing and it isn't very pleasant to my ears. I don't like the constant pulse of bass. Also the subject matter sounds a bit immature, and the lyrical depth is just not there.
  • The song sounded like it had static on it. I later discovered that was the effect they used on the instruments. This decision was terrible and hurt my ears. This effect also drew my attention away from the vocalist that sounded talented and emotional, to the music drowning the vocals out. The track of the accompaniment just need to be lowered and the song would sound better.
  • Nice energetic beginning that got me hooked right off the back. I have to say the video quality was very bad and I heard static when the bass was boosted. His vocals were inconsistent and very thin. His lyrics were not thought-provoking and didn't seem inspiring at all. Instead his lyrics were more unoriginal and seemed to fade away and get worse as the song went on. The instruments were too loud and powerful next time he should try to make the music a bit lower.
  • I like the sounds of this song, it honestly has this futuristic tone to it that would make you want to dance! It's a very slow and empowering song with a lot of depth and it really has some rhythm to it. There is some radio potential in this song as well. Very great construction as well.
  • Sounds like Christmas music! or definitely holiday music, it is very cheery and joyful and makes me in a happy mood honestly. It makes me in a hppy mood with the bright tone to it and cheerful voices in the background and instruments. But, I do not really understand the words and what the singer is saying. All I heard was something about stealing?? ....not sure if I heard that correctly or not.?
  • This song comes over very static and though the music itself has body, the digital effects of the music make it seem flat and boring. It's hard to listen to when there is static. The lyrics are thoughtful and nicely done. I simply cannot get over the static sound in the music, it reminds me of a blown speaker. I'm not sure where other people stand with this one, however, if I heard this song in the car I would want to pull over and make sure I didn't really blow a speaker!
  • The initial introduction of the song put a smile on this face. I get feelings of joy and happiness listening to this arrangement. The composition of music is very light hearted. This song reminds me of dancing alone in my room jumping up and down on my bed. The vocal melody is very interesting and the singer has a very wide and dynamic vocal range. There is a solid beat and strong engaging and enticing rhythm that grabs me and carries me along making me dance in my seat. There is a great array of instrumental variety and the song changes patterns constantly. The message of the song is very nostalgic and has a beautiful meaning. Overall, this song has great hit potential and I could definitely hear this song on the radio.
  • The background noise was very loud and kept me from being able to enjoy the other beats. The band was drowned out as well. The tone and harmonies have a flat tone Rhythm was not as strong. Instruments need to be more welcoming. I hope this gets played on the radio.
  • I like the freshness of the beat, but it sounds familiar to me like I've heard it before somewhere. But the singer sounds good and has a nice flow on the song. But the lyrics needs to be a lot better and more memorable because their not.
  • The record begins with a bass drum and it sounds like a song from a movie like the fault in our stars. I think the song is like disco in the 21st century. the singer is a dude and his voice is distorted. I think the beat is made with a beat machine and it's a little dated. I'm just not a fan of the song at all. it was a nice try at something different though. it needs a lot of work before it's ready for air play.
  • I like how the bass took over at the beginning. Who is the artist? I could vibe to his music. I'm in the music business too. If I could get some type of tips it would be appreciated. Anyway, very nice track. I love it.
  • Although there are many things, I can say about this song, I will begin by saying that the overall song is refreshin. Note that the melody is somewhat diverse in its own. The lyrics, feel very happy. Everything is unique, the music is chilling, yet at the same time mediocre. The artist should consider working on their music a little more. They have much more potential.
  • This is the first song in a while that has a modern ring to it. although the instrumentals block out the voice and its a little rough and not understandable. i think that the lyrics are kind of weird and hard to interpret. although this song is great and with a little bit of fixes here and there this could become a great song!
  • Nice slow calm music from the beginning.The music echos should not be in there it should be removed.Powerful strong lyrics about Youth prefect song for teenagers I love it.I personally think when he pauses the song in the background should suit the lyrics. But that is just my opinion. The lyrics do rhyme depending the tone of the song but that not a big issue.
  • This is over all a good song, it has a good beat to the song, it has good lyrics, and most importantly, the singer has a good voice. I did notice that the audio was sort of grainy, it was not clear, but it may have only been the speakers on my computer. Good song.
  • The beginning is really unique and fun! The voice seems kind of auto tune and kind of off key to. But I kind of understand the lyrics but the only problem is that the background music is covering up the voice a bit so it sounds muffled and not really clear of what he is saying.
  • Music like this is the kind of music I love listening to. The beat is one of a kind, making a great addition to the indie genre. I like how the vocals slightly echo, along with a great voice. The rhythm is one that anyone can get lost in. This is another group I can see gaining traction in the musical world.
  • Engaging feeling. Nice work out song. i think this song has great energy. The speakers sound as if though they have been burned out. I love his enthusiasm. Great piano appeal. The song keeps my interest. I feel that the bass is much to strong for this song . dynamic voice from the leader in this song. this song is a thriller and sets the tone for great adventure. i would love to hear more music from this artist.
  • I liked this song. It did not sound overrated. I enjoyed how the music changed and it wasn't the same beat over and over. The lyrics were original, however; his voice and the way he was singing was not. A lot of popular male artists sound like this lately. An artist should have their own sound. This was not a unique song at all.
  • It is good enough,it needs some work because its very repetitive, both lyrics and music. singers voice was average, but passable. needs something to spice it up and make it more attention catching, either adding more instruments or adding variations in the beat. it was nothing special, it was missing something.

Click below to listen to a 2nd dance remix of Chris Davidson's version of Younger by Green Raver.

Reviews of Green Raver's remix of Younger from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (song score: 4.9 out of 10):

  • The electronica sounding beat and tempo in the intro tends to intimidate me somewhat. It should be a tamer style and not over do it to get the subtle hint across. The singing in this manner of super synthesizers sounds really funky. The distortions are totally over the top and I can't understand a word the singer is saying at all. The tempo is stiff and not changing up that much.
  • Cool intro love the electronic gene. nice beat and rhythm. vocals were ok need work though i couldn't always tell what it was saying. cool sounding song though i really did enjoy it a lot. im a fan really did like it. work on vocals and u will have it.
  • I liked the beat of this song in the beginning. It was extremely catchy. The lyrics and vocals were not my favorite and the effects used hurt my ears. It definitely did not work with the already established beat for me. I would work on trying to make the vocals and beat more equal. This song has a lot of potential if that can be done.
  • The intro is very techno with the same tempo and instruments used. The female vocalist comes in and is very pitched. She sounds like a chipmunk. You can tell she is very auto tuned. I do not like it at all. The techno beat almost drowns the singer out. The lyrics are hard to hear with the techno playing. There isn't much range with the musical instruments or the singer.
  • The effects being used in this song were really good additions to this piece and really made the piece sound awesome. The artist is really talented for making a masterpiece like this. The tempo of this song was sort of fast but nevertheless, it was an amazing thing to hear. The rhythm in this song had a really awesome beat.
  • The beginning of the instrumental sounded like it was a fight in outer space between two robots. The vocal is very high pitched and sounded like whoever was singing it was on helium and their voice kept cracking. I don't see this song working as a hit in any market and I don't see much appeal. The instrumental may work with a different vocal but the vocal is not good at all.
  • This song seemed very digital and techno. To me, it sounded way too over processed. The artist's voice did not even sound like a person, it honestly was like a squeaky robot. I don't think that is wha they actually sound like but that is the outcome of the mass amount of effects. I don't think this song would be something you could have on repeat.
  • It came right out at you. I dont think it could work commercially it was too much rage and in your face. I couldnt understand the words at all. It was too loud, too sharp, and made me tired an on edge. The intro scared me. The production and media effects were too much and need work. The vocals were too original. It has a niche but too much.
  • Electric sound is pleasant. I enjoyed the vocals the most. I couldn't understand all of the lyrics but your voice is on fleek. I really think this sounds like a cool electronic and pop mixure into a very amazing song. I think I have heard this before today too. Maybe not, but it is just that good- if I heard it on the radio tomorrow, I would be happy for you, but not surprised, it is amazing!
  • Honestly after listening to a slow song the intro made me jump haha. Pretty good though. The vocals sound like autotune is being used but then again everyone uses that so the vocals are good. My feelings are that i cant really understand what you are saying but i like the beat so you pretty much got lucky with that. Overall its alright I guess.
  • I'm getting a real 'Dead or Alive' vibe from the intro. I think the use of autotune on the singer's vocals is quite interesting but it gets extremely pitchy and hard to listen to at parts, particularly at " I wanna be younger", though I warmed to it gradually over time. The vocals sound almost childish, which is eerie when juxtaposed with the lyrics "I just wanna be younger" and creates a really interesting effect. I think pairing the vocalist with some more perhaps severe/darker lyrics could produce a really amazing effect. The back beats and melody are very grimey/80s/slow dancing in a night club under strobes. Enjoyed it!
  • Synthesizer as the introduction to this tune gives it an interesting beginning. A simple backing drumbeat adds a little rhythm. The vocals are hit and bit nasally but are not well heart. The mixing of the instrumentation and the voice has been done poorly as the vocals are difficult to differentiate. This song falls flat and is not very exciting. Perhaps there are too many special effects and not enough organic instrumentation. There is no big pay or and the listener is left wanting.
  • The intro of the song makes me want to get up and dance. It is very electronic with a futuristic feel to it. However, once the vocals come in it ruins the overall goodness of the song. The vocals are very screechy and hard to listen to. If the artist eliminates the screechyness this song can have great potential in the club/party scene.
  • Immediately started tapping my feet to this song! The bass line really got me dancing. The use of synths and drums is enchanting. Can't really tell what the lyrics are because they are hard to decipher, but I really love the whole feel of the track. I would totally listen to more tracks by this artists. A little repetitive at times.
  • A little bit too electronic and dub step for me. The voice was weird and really auto tuned. Not really my style. I couldn't really understand what the singer was saying. But the beat was kind of infectious. It definitely gets caught in your head if you listen to it too much.
  • This song has a unique sound but the lyrics are overshadowed by the beat. It's gets a bit annoying towards the end with just a repeating beat and no words. The bass drop at the beginning is great and has you immediately captivated. The singer's voice is unique also and different from what is usually heard today.
  • The intro was good . I liked the way the beat started with a nice little head bobbing to it . It sounds like Rihanna a little . The beat was great , it was a little off though like the beat was going a little faster than the lyrics were . I wouldn't buy the full album maybe the single . I say 8.
  • The beginning of the song is good and implies that this will be an exciting song! The effects on the voice fit in with the song as well and has good lyrics. this is a good quality song, but has potential to be more. I feel like part of it should actually have a stronger vocal part and take the effects off the voice for maybe a few seconds.
  • Boring. Overall there was no development to this track, whatsoever. The introduction was way too long and led into vocals that were hard to understand and lacked any variation. Noting built on top of another, it was all plain, unoriginal, and boring. The lyrics have very little to no meaning, and actually become annoying and rather pointless. I usually listen to all of the tracks past the 90 second mark, but I had to stop listening before it even finished.
  • Although the one vocalist had a very high pitch that was irritating and bluntly slightly annoying to listen to the chorus section had a nicer part that was almost soothing to listen to. This was a solid song and the "virtual" dance aspect of this song was definately there! It had a good base, but that one vocalist dropped the song from a 10 to a 9.
  • You are immediately thrown into a rhythm full of synths, it kind of sounds like being thrown in the middle of a video game. The vocals are mutilated by the electronics and so high pitched that it makes it hard to enjoy. The progression of the melody is logical and fun within the electronic sounds but lacks an overall sense of cohesion.
  • You can barely hear what she is singing. It sounds like a bad mix of pop and edm. The background music is really weird and needs to be shortened. I would most likely not use this song at a party or anything. It does not have good lyrics either and is very bland.
  • The instrumental tones are the heart of the song and meet the standards of party electronica pop music. The vocals are not good enough to meet the quality standards set. The lyrics are do not reach the top of the bar as they more on the level of mediocrity. This does not have the standard to reach the charts.
  • I just want to be younger too lol. Awesome beat and great dance style mix. I love her voice in this song. I am sure that this song will be played a lot. The hi hat and cymbals are great. I love great beat and this beat to the song rock.
  • This song sound like a song that is suppose to made in the future. I can not even understand what the person is saying. The singers voice sound very weird because of auto tune. Auto tune should not be used for everyone. The song beat does not go with the song at all. The singer can not sing and its more of screaming than actually singing a song. The song has no meaning and sounds stupid. I do not think anyone would buy this song based on what I am hearing. This does not really appeal to a music genre which most music does. Overall terrible song, singer and beats. Auto tune is very over used.
  • The song is in the electro/house genre. The beginning of the song has some repetitive melody, which I enjoy very much. The vocals in the song are horrible, they are not in-sync with the melody, which has not changed since the beginning of the song. There is no chorus, and no drop. Only a repetitive melody, which is weak and depressing.
  • Exciting, awe-inspiring keyboard loops won me over, before the song even had a chance to fully kick in. The thump and crash, of the drums, compliment the killer dance groove, this song has. Taking TATU and improving on their sound. The vocals are not completely understandable, but are only repeating what I think is "I just want to be younger" and are very electronic in sound, so perhaps that's on purpose. Very cool and slightly eerie. I'd go see this!
  • The beat leading up to the lyrics is very engaging. It allows the beat to build up within your body. This track entrances and pulls you to dance. The layering is very organized, yet not predictable. The voice accompaniment is appropriate to the beat. The voice is smooth and meant to be there. This is a song that is meant to be in the club.
  • Very interesting. What a very original song. I have a couple of suggestion for you for this song. You should add some verses on to the song. I feel like the whole song contains just the chorus. I like how your voice sounded on it. It's so high pitch. However, to balance your voice out, the track needs some bass or something low pitch.