I wrote the lyrics and melody for Random Walk, but did not record my own version of the song. Instead I paid Douglas Haines to record it for me.

Song Title: Random Walk

Click Here to download the MP3 file for Random Walk

Random Walk

Verse 1:
Hearts beating louder
neural reactions
like solar flares
dance on the sun

Clocks ticking backwards
fall deeper and deeper
I realize the countdown
already's begun

Embark on a journey
a one way ticket
leave your emotional baggage behind

More questions than answers
open the back door
a random walk through pathways of my mind

Verse 2:
I see you in abstract
just like a Picasso
blinded by walls
deep in your soul

Predictable chaos
patterns of nature
ever elusive as a
celestial black hole

Embark on a journey
a one way ticket
leave your emotional baggage behind

More questions than answers
open the back door
a random walk through pathways of my mind

Verse 3:
We head towards the future
no sense of direction
wondering if we're
in the right place

Is our love eternal
a cosmic connection
or will it all vanish
without a trace

Embark on a journey
a one way ticket
leave your emotional baggage behind

More questions than answers
open the back door
a random walk through pathways of my mind


Reviews of the Douglas Haines version of Random Walk from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (song score: 6.8 out of 10):

  • The start of this song is really nice and the vocals are incorporated with a solidified sound. The vocalist is average at best but he really presents the message in this song nicely to the listening audience. The drums are nowhere to be found and there is no bass which is disappointing. I gave this an 8/10.
  • This song is great right from the start. Lyrics tell a great story. Thisnis rhythmic and sounds wonderful. The guitar is melodic and carrys the song nicely. It has a lovely sound adults will appreciate. It is truly.filled with talent and if given the chance will do well.
  • Very strong acoustic solo. Sounds like an old train style. The lyrics are deep and meaningful. The vocals are well done but could use a little more from the heart. The harmonies are gorgeous. I love this old folk style. This is a really nicely put together song. Reminds me of the folk songs of the 60s. This really is beautiful but I'm not sure what genre it will fit in. It is very original.
  • The chord progression got me interested right away. Singer-Songwriter is a tough genre to stand out in when you are following the likes of pete seeger and woody guthrie. I'm not sure if this artist is sticking out as much as he would need to in order to develop the commercial success that artists need in today's musical age. he may be able to accomplish this through more innovative lyrics and a more engaging picking pattern to accompany the great chord progression.
  • Very nice beginning of this song.I personally enjoyed the singer's voice because it sounded very professional and impressive.I like the texture of it and the words inside of it.I recommend it to everyone and overall it was a good song and very inspiring.
  • The opening is very calming and slow. It has a very western and cowboy feel, which would fit perfectly into western movies or even disney movies. Although the formula is constantly the same so each song doesn't really have much on an identity when it comes to diversity as they all sound the same which is a shame because i wish the artist would put in more effort than just copying old songs.
  • This song is filled with guitars and warm lust. The dynamic guitar playing and the slick tempo that does not fail to satisfy at all is quite nice. The sweet and soft lyrics are nice to. The way it has no rhythm section kind of is a problem but that is all right you don't necessarily have to have a rhythm section. The shimmering guitars really just have a nice feel to them to.
  • The guitar at the beginning of the song has a very nice pitch, and I like the way that it sounds. Your voice is very engaging and draws attention to the song. You should work on your voice just a little bit more, maybe get some professional training, and you could become an even better singer. Overall, this is a great country song that could become popular on the music market.
  • It sounds like country again he has a deep vocal voice that is nice. hes talking about a woman he loves. his emotions and feelings for this woman. he loves her the guitar gives it nice sound in the background and the volume isnt too loud which is nice. very good song.
  • I really like the music. I am a folk music fan, and I love poetic and inspirational lyrics which this song seems to have. The harmonies are very pretty and in tune. For me in this one, the music is what is moving me the most. However, the song in a whole is very interesting.
  • I like the lyrics of the song; the metaphors used can appeal to many new age/indie fans. As for the voice and the instrumental, it does not really speak to me. As I am not a big fan of country songs, I tend to be biased. The singer certainly has a nice voice but there are too many songs with just voice and guitar. I believe that the song has potential if there were more instruments added to the piece.
  • It's hard to enjoy this song. The singing sounds a bit rushed at times. I'm also not a fan of the double-voice at certain parts. It could be done better, like giving the second voice a more whispery, haunting sound. As for the main singer the emotion in the voice is not quite convincing enough to me.
  • The intro didn't last very long that is a good thing, dragging it out would bore people very fast. The tone and harmonies of your voice are very alluring and captured my mind right away. I think if you keep singing doors will open for you quickly and you will be on stage very soon.
  • The guitar theme is common but it is not easy playing this so i love that part. the accent of the singer was very nice and i wish i had it. it only has a guitar nothing else though. the lyrics fit very well with each other. this makes me want to square dance. i will give this a solid 8/10.
  • The story telling in the lyrics is very nice, but the singing is just okay. The vocal melody just doesn't do it for me, but that may be because I'm not very attuned to this genre of music. Even though I don't particularly enjoy the singing, it is very confident and that is very important in a vocalist.
  • The artist catches me with lyrics . I can picture everything he is saying . He hits the soul with the lyrics he sings . I can relate when he says embark on a journey, one way ticket leave your emotional baggage behind .more questions then answers . The chorus just gets me thinking . I totally like this song.
  • The beginning was interesting shaped. His vocals were weak and out of tune, which took away the effect. His instrumental was very unoriginal and he messed up a couple times. The song is very sad and dragging. It has no digital effects or cool electronics, added to it. The sounds of the guitar was weak and plain. He needs to add more oomph to it. The quality of his recording device was very bad and you could hear static and buffering at some points.
  • The guitar track at the intro of the song was a great technical show if guitar skill and had a really nice western style beat. When the vocals entered they were not the western impact that I expected. They sounded bored and were not really in tune. The harmonies in the chorus were really nice though. On beat and made the vocals thicker. The voice as the time goes on gets better and makes the song really nice.
  • This is a good song and it is highly enjoyable. The vocals are wonderful and the instrumental is of very good quality since you can tell that the music is actually being played on a guitar. There's a good balance between vocals and instruments and they complement each other well for this style of music. It seems like this song inspires one to go on a journey or to try new things. I would definitely recommend this song as it's beautiful to listen to.
  • This is a great song and performance. The melody is strong and soulful. The artist has a very nice and attractive voice. He is putting his heart and soul and a lot of emotion into the lyrics. The lyrics sound very meaningful and catchy. I like his phrase "cosmic connection". The song is very thought provoking and rich with deep meaning. Instrumentally, the song has a very rich and melodic arrangement of guitar cords that compliment the singers voice. The vocals and guitar mix well together and neither overpower another. Overall, I think the song is very distinctive and catchy. I really enjoyed the lyrics. I could hear this song in a western film.
  • Love this song. The Instruments in the song gives me the vibe of me sitting on a dirt road on top of a old truck. Song reminds me of my grandpa music. When he sits in the dark with a drink and just tune out to the words spoken and the beat playing. Great song. Love the vocals.
  • The Intro is great and sounds really good.The vocal is good its clean and the second voice sound like it is a second voice.the guitarest sounds like he is a pro. The song is great and should be in the grammys.The song makes me feel like im going out and cruising.over all the song is great. I rate this song a 9 out of 10.
  • The beginning of the song sounds like it is going to start talking about a story of the Wild West. The voice of the singer is one that is not easy to find anywhere else. I really like how there is only a guitar playing: it adds to the mood of the track. I can see this artist getting very popular in the coming years.
  • This song consists of many great parts that come together to form a song with much potential. The tune of the song is overall very memorable, but is a bit too simple. The singer's voice accomplnied by the guitar makes for a great overall performance. The lyrics are very thought-provoking and original, using great comparisons throughout. Although this was a solely acouistic song, no more instruments were needed to needed to portray the message of this song (going acoustic was a very good choice for what this song contains). This performance is high-quality, original, and has a lot of potential.
  • Right from the start, I love the guitar. This song makes me feel like I should listen to this when I'm sad and lost. The lyrics paint an image in my mind of walking down a long road and trying to leave the pain behind. I'd add this song to my playlist for those sad days when Im lost.
  • The intro to the song brings an upbeat feel with a very distinctive and unique style. As the song progress it seems to be consistant or blamed. The lyrics were pretty predictable as you continued to listen to the song. However as an artist he has a great time not too pitchy or monotone. Seems to have a pretty straight forward outlook on what needs to be done for quality music.
  • This song is alright. I was not really wowed by the arrangement because it was not that appealing to the senses. Although it was not that special, the vocalist has a great tone to his voice which definitely is a tone that I have never heard before. This song did make me feel like I was in the country so there's that. All in all, not bad. Definitely did not stand out though.
  • This is an easy song to listen to. The words are easily understandable, and the meaning comes through. The melody is one that sooths the soul and leads to reflection. I liked that it was just guitar and voice. It was a fairly simple melody, yet spoke of deep conviction in the lyrics.
  • Dust in the Wind? No? Rats! What is this I'm hearing?.. A somber folksy song with a Plain White Tee's/ Western guitar strumming style. I love the instrumental, and this guys voice fits it very well. That might be why he made it! That being said, the lyrics didn't really stick with me. This song pulls a lot of classic elements from the styles it appears to be inspired by, and does it well. A for that!
  • I love the lyrics they fit the pitch and the sound of the artist's vocals very well and it fits my mood how I was feeling early today very well. Also the melody is very soft and matches very well too! I would so listen to this again I give it a five out of 10 very well done!
  • The guitar has a slow and steady beat. but the vocals sound a little rough and old. the lyrics match the tone and its pretty well developed. the son is great and i think its very relaxing. the tune and melody is good. and the lyrics is touching and emotional. i think this song is perfect for slow dances. i will give this song a decent score.
  • This song should be a number 1 hit. The singer has a style of his own and a really great style. The lyrics are written so smoothly like Simon and Garfunkel and a sound to match. The instruments, the guitars have a specialty. Whoever is playing them is doing a fantastic job. The rhythm has a personality trait. This song has everything big and should be recorded to victory.

Below is a version of Random Walk by Chris Davidson:

Reviews of Random Walk (overall song: 6.1 out of 10) from the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service:

  • Lyrics were mellow and really smooth. Thought the artist showed his accomplishment on the classical level. Really liked the rhymatic instrumentals. The instrumentals showed good rhythm in my opinion. Vocals were thin. The balance of the drums and the chorus was highly tuneful. Cool song non the less. Artist overall was sentimental.
  • I like the vibe that the opening of the song gives me. The vocalist reminds me of David Bowie, though I very much doubt that it is. The lyrics are somewhat interesting. I find the lyrics to be somewhat contemplative and thoughtful. I also very much enjoy the psudo-acoustic strumming.
  • I don't really understand the lyrics much and i don't like the beat at all, Very creative music beat but its not for me at all. The sounds are mysterious but in this song not in a good way, Not the worst but no where near the best. Thanks but no thanks i wont be looking up more of your music, good day.
  • There was something about the introduction that grabbed my attention but i could not figure out what it was. The vocals are ok but sound a little bit like an effect has been used. The lyrics are basic lyrics, nothing really grabbed my attention there. The melody of the song does feel different to most songs out there, which gives the song some chance of being recognized.
  • This is depressing. The recording quality is really compromised by the manner in which this track is laid. The lyrical content is alright, I'm not too amused due to the unsupportive non vocal platform that seems to be as it is simply because of the lack of quality, it really takes away from the lyrical content's performance. Too much echo. needs a more closed sound. "Leave your emotional baggage behind" - I hate that men really think this fact is the easiest thing for their lover to do, as if the details of their life and scars form their experiences are as simple as bags - not everyone is that numb. This really takes away from the appeal that the track has to offer. The lyrical detail is hindered, also, by the arrangement of the lyrical content within the piece and their rhythmic patterns. I'd focus, first, on the non vocal platforms' quality. Interesting mix of non vocal sound here, I like it, but it just seems like the vocal instruments could be better placed in order to stop making it sound like the non vocal elements are insufficient. Like the break, but the lyrical content kind of takes away from the vibe that the non vocal elements are offering.
  • I love the music in the beginning. I definitely wasn't ready for it. I don't normally hear such great instrumentals on this site. The guitar is just so beautiful. Along with things sounding so beautiful in relation to that you voice is just on point. Your lyrics sound so good when you sing them, and I can hear the words so clearly. And again, I can't get over this background music. I think the guitar and your voice together are so mesmerizing. I usually give all the other artists advice, tip & tricks on what they can fix but I can't give you any. You are not pitchy at all. Your instrumental choices are genius. You hit every note wonderfully. Your lyrics are great and you sing them perfectly. You are just one of those great artists with a mesmerizing voice. I think you would do great in the singing industry. I also think any producer would die to sign you on a record label. I got a little thought in my head that you and a soft feminine voice would do great together. I think you should do a little duet with a good female artist. If you do decide to do that I would really love to hear it.
  • I don't like the highs and lows of the guitar in this song. The weird techno beats do not fly with this song. The auto tuner for the singer is just not realistic or pleasant to listen to. I feel that the voice of the singer has no emotion to it at all. The audio quality of his voice is terrible! I feel that there is no melody and no real backbone tempo. This song need way more work for it to even be ready at all.
  • I found the intro calming and soothing, it is also quite unique and differs from other songs of this genre. The intro is certainly very interesting, though I felt it was a little short on this track. I do not like the vocalists voice on this track as I feel it's too quite and soft, I do however like how each word is easy to hear. The lyrics are clear and easily understandable.
  • The starting music is very foreign and the singing is very tuned and unnatural. It has a kind of DJ/techno vibe but is more of a 80's song. It has the tune and flow of a olden day song, but with great acoustic and rhythm. The song has very exceptional and meaningful lyrics which touch the listener and make them think more about life and the hidden meaning behind it.
  • I will highlight the positive aspects of this song before I hit the detracting factors. On the plus side, the instrumental arrangement was melodic and shapely. The instruments were played like professionals and they blended in an artistic fashion. The rhythm was well kept and the tempo was adequate to the style of song. I really cannot say anything bad about the rhythm, melody or the instrumental score as a whole. The down side of this song unfortunately, was the vocals. The use of an electronic device to distort, and / or mask the actual voice sent big red warning flags up that screamed "The singer cannot carry a tune." Whether or not this is the case here I really do not know because of the amount of electronic alteration to the vocals. So all I can really say about vocals is the electronic alteration was not a plus here. Had this song been rendered with a strong vocal lead and absent the use of the electronic gear, this would have been so much better. I gave this song a 5 out of 10 based entirely on its instrumental score. The vocals dragged its rating down to be sure. I hope this review helps. Good luck and best wishes.
  • This song sounds pretty good. The intro is short and to the point. The lyrics sound really echo-y. The lyrics are hard to understand with this type of effect on. The instrumentals are good but not great. Its overall pretty average to me and it deserves an average score. It doesn't sound like a hit song anytime soon.
  • I do not like how the music starts off. I like the direction you were trying to go but I do not like you on it. The direction is good but your voice does not go with the effects used. Your vocals are sitting under the music instead of going with it. Your vocal effects need to be fixed. Sounds like old school 1970's type pop music which I like.
  • Kind of choppy music in the beginning with interesting lyrics and catchy chorus. great use of acoustic guitar and great harmony. the vocals sound like the guys from mgmt had babies with the guys from flight of the Concords and this was their love child's' album. relaxing in a simultaneously jolting way. good driving music that could easily top charts. once again i must praise the vocals and use of acoustic guitar, it really fits together like a musical puzzle. 10/10.
  • I do not feel that the music goes well with the lyrics. There's too much going on in the background. I think the vocals should be a little bit louder. I also feel like the song is at an odd pace. Maybe the tempo could be sped up a tad bit.
  • Right off the bat, this reminds of an Eagles song. Very Hotel California. Your track delivers a lot more because the reverb and distortion on the vocals are lovely. The classic guitar melodies layered with experimental drum beats makes this such a good listen. The song is a good length and isn't too short or long. It is rare that after listening to one track it leaves me wanting to listen to your other body of work. But this song does just that. I can definitely hear this playing on KROQ during the late drives or on an easy listening radio station. Keep up the good work.
  • The beat sounds okay but it does not really stand out as something special. The vocals have this weird effect on them and makes them sounds more like an echo more than anything. The beat is very receptive and plain to say the least. Nothing really outstanding here and as the song plays on, that voice just keeps on getting more and more annoying as i hear it. I would not reccomned this song to listen too.
  • The song begin has a guitar played. With the voice sounding low and fast soad song. It can be named as deep love song. It talks about emotions in this song. the type of instruments that also should be played in the backoground should be drums. The drums are played but the drums are played not that loud. The loudness of the music is less heard. I think this song is also kk.
  • The intro is making me bob my head and sway a bit, but the vocals didn't come in very strong. They're a little quiet, but I kind of like it. It's mellow. This is probably something I would download or listen to on the radio while driving. I like the lyrics, they're cool. I definitely like this.
  • This song was of an average nature, a chilled out track, easy listening. Thought the vocals were average, along with the lyrics. I thought as the song went on it got a little bland and boring. Some fair instrumental sounds, but not something I would buy. I wouldn't say this would be a top ten hit too bland.
  • This song has a weird amount of energy to it. this song doesnt have the regular energy that makes you want to get up and move. this song's energy is all weird and chopped up. the beat is real twisty in a way. it sounds like the beat is constantly changing while staying the same at the same time. this song definitely makes you think about things you dont normally think about. good plot twist to this song.