Song Title: Ran Away To Paris

I wrote the lyrics and melody for Ran Away To Paris, but did not record my own version of the song. Instead I paid Chris Davidson to perform it for me.

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Ran Away To Paris

Verse 1:
The alarm clock rings
I start a new day
another piece of my soul
slowly slipping away

Are we just drones and robots
cogs in a giant machine
fueled by money and power
Twinkie snacks and caffeine?

Rap Part:
Sometimes I stand on a cliff
just to feel the buzz
and tell little white lies
well, just because

Gotta get me a fix
a mental morphine drip
take me far away
on a spiritual trip

If you win the rat race
you're still a rat
just a bug on a windshield
about to go splat

How'd our dreams get lost?
When did we start losing hope?
is settling into a routine
simply a way to cope?

What if we ran away to Paris?
Took a chance and start our lives anew
get rid of all our worries and our problems
strip things right down to me and you

Verse 2:
At a cafe we would dine
overlooking the River Seine
watching the sun rise and set
over and over again

Inhaling all of the beauty
the famed architectural sites
we'd get lost in the magic
of the City of Lights

Rap Part:
Like the journeys before us
of Hemingway and van Gogh
forever changed by a culture
of Brie and Bordeaux

The amazing art of the Louvre
Rembrandt, Picasso, Matisse
The mysterious code of da Vinci
a quest for inner peace

Under the Eiffel Tower
or that cathedral Notre Dame
we'd go to read and enjoy
the tranquility and calm

So step off the edge
break outta your safety zone
and grab ahold of my hand
leap towards the future unknown

What if we ran away to Paris?
Took a chance and start our lives anew
get rid of all our worries and our problems
strip things right down to me and you

Outro (rapped):
Let's run away to Paris
go on a trip to France
live together forever
in that city of romance

I know we can make it
deep inside my heart
all we need is each other
and a brand new start

Reviews of the Ran Away To Paris (song score: 4.4 out of 10) from the Crowd Review service:

  • I love the beat from the introduction. The vocals are kind of ok, and are kind of ugly at the same time and may need work. However I think that the backbeat help make up for it and help increase the songs potential to attract a larger audience and to retain them.
  • The intro is making me think french accordion, an interesting choice. Quite nice vocals here, I like the talking parts during this. I feel like the looping track needs more to it. The song is about paris so the accordion was an appropriate choice. The synth sounds during this sound a bit odd, the bass sounds great but otherwise maybe less synth would help.
  • This song was not the best in the world. I liked the way the track started off because it was similar to that of another artist I have heard before. I think the beat sounding like Micheal Jackson's song called Thriller was no accident. This artist was mimicking some one else's style in my opinion and did not sound original.
  • The intro for this track is the sound of a acorn like beat that echoes and I really like it. the man that comes in blends with the bass and the he actually sings in a mysterious way. the man that sings is a bit off key at times but I think he is pretty good. the beat is very generic and not live at all. it is also not interesting. scrap this and start over.
  • The instrumental of this song is quite simple and not so rich, but it has a flowing rhythm and sounds good. The artist has a very interesting style of singing, we can notice a nice vocal flow and then some recitation parts in the song. I think this makes the song quite distinctive, but I do not find it that compelling as an overall performance.
  • I like the e piano and accordion at the begging. the vocalist voice doesn't go with this beat and style of music, i know he is trying to do something different, but it's not working. specially when he starts free styling is not good. only listened to first 15 seconds.
  • Mediterranean south of France appeal for me. The singer doesn't have a distinctive voice. He has rather boring voice. The lyrics are thought provoking. The Human League could have wrote this song. If they had it would be more appealing. The arrangement is slow and lethargic. I would know what category to put this in.
  • This song starts off robotic and with a strong bass line. Your tone of voice is so mellow tone that it gives the song an attitude. I like how different your voice sounds. I like how you speak the lyrics instead of singing them. The chorus sounds really melodic.
  • I pretty much enjoyed this song from the very beginning. The music was perfect and it fit the lyrics so well. This probably isn't something that i would choose to listen to, but it is interesting and something that many people would enjoy. There is a sense of mystery created and it draws in the audience.
  • The beat and instrumental of the song is really electric. The voice doesn't really go with the beat of the song and I can't really tell what the melody of the song is. In my opinion I feel like the lyrics of the song is kind of weird. It isn't something that a lot of people could relate to.
  • The start off with electronic tones make me very uninterested. It isn't upbeat enough to be a dance tone but doesn't seem something like you would just listen to. The vocals are fitting but i think the lyrics aren't very relatable nor do they seem to have anything to say. I think the beat is repetitive in a poor way.
  • I immediately connected with this song when the beat began. Although that kind of changed when I heard the vocals. I wasn't expecting a reverb-ed male's voice but the poorly executed rap was unexpected as well. This song seems as though it is a beginning rap/singing song but I would suggest having a female sing the singing parts or another person rapping because it didn't make much sense to me.
  • I think it was awesome how you had an eerie and weird sound for the song with the snare and drum. You also had such a unique singer for the lead male vocals. The only part I did not like was the small talking parts of the lyrics, it kind of killed the song for me, but the lyrics had meaning to them!
  • I like how this piece of music began. The beat was really hot. As the artist started to sing, it made me disappointed. The lyrics did not make much sense and they did not go with the beat at all. The way the artist sang, it made it seem like this was more of a poem then a song.
  • First of all the verse was a little bit too bland and there wasn't much to it and it wasn't enough like rapping as it could have been it was more like how a person would talk to someone normally. The refrain though was better and more interesting to listen to than the verse.
  • Clever song. This artist is speaking while the musical sounds are being played. His voice sounds pretty good. Later on he does sing with a clear voice. This song is funky and I dig it! There are modern instruments playing and that goes with the theme of the song. I do like that tapping sound. It is an original song. There are parts of this song that might be useful for some commercials. Definitely a song to dance to at night clubs.
  • This song sounds somewhat catchy but unfortunately not catchy enough to attract the attention of a wide ranged audience. The vocals however are creatively unique, adding depth and emotion to the tonality of the singers voice. The lyrics involved in this song are suitable for the voice of the singer, and the composition adds a lot of effect to whole outcome of the song.
  • The vocal performance on this track is reasonable until the strange rapping kicks in, which I do not think works too well. The chorus is poor and very forgettable. Some of the electronic backing effects are a bit cheap sounding. If they could be improved I think it would do the track wonders.
  • I really like the use of percussion and electronics for the beat of this song. The singers voice does not help this song at all though. He sings very low and slow almost making the song boring and taking away from the awesome beat. I would put a different artist on this song because it would be a lot better if there was a better voice on this track.
  • This song has effective use and control of its base, layering it effectively throughout even though the melody isn't too complex. The singer I have mixed feelings about - the parts he tries to rap/talk do not work with his voice, but the parts where he sings are much better. He needs to play to his strengths more.
  • Has a good electronic beat and makes it like disco song. Until the singing comes when it really ruins how the vibe is coming. the singing is very poor. the sort of rap is terrible and i think it deserves 2 stars. sorry guys I don't think it was very powerful.
  • The very start of the song was appealing to me due to the hyper and up lifted beats of the musical instruments! The singers vocals sounded elegant and brilliant. The singer and this song have great potential, Maybe use a high volume for the under tunes.
  • This genre that I'm listening isn't my type but the track does sound really nice. It does remind me of Vanilla Ice mixed with smooth rock a little bit, that's my opinion though. It's very easy going and relaxing. And I like it but I wouldn't listen to it.
  • This song becomes with a low sounding music tones playing regularly. The beats join in and song appears melodious. I was attracted by the regularity of the drums and the precision with which they are played. The singer is accomplished and he adjusts well with the changing tempo of the music. Lyrics are competent and compelling.