I wrote the lyrics and melody for In The Tank, but did not record my own version of the song. Instead I paid Chris Davidson to record it for me.

Video by Eric Borgos and Eno Productions. Photo Credits: See the bottom of this page.
Click Here to download the MP3 file for In The Tank

In The Tank

Verse 1:
All alone
'till I found you
my tour of duty
almost through

in desert winds
and stormy skies
I found the beauty
lost in your eyes

and I held your hand
it was there we made our stand
sounds of war both near and far
on the streets of Kandahar
on those streets of Kandahar

In the back of my tank
we fell in love
exploding rockets
the heavens above

That night time stood still
oh, babe, it was not a drill
didn't even know
your name or rank
ya, in the back of my tank
oh, babe, in the back of that tank

Verse 2:
We made it home
both safe and sound
much was lost
but much was found

and I still hold your hand
without words you understand

I came, I conquered
to Uncle Sam I do thank
life changed forever
that night in the tank
oh, one night in the tank
ya, that night in the tank

In the back of my tank
we fell in love
exploding rockets
the heavens above

That night time stood still
oh, babe, it was not a drill
didn't even know your name or rank
ya, in the back of my tank
oh, in the back of that tank
ya, in the back of my tank
ya, in the back of my tank

Reviews of In The Tank on the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (Song Score: 7.0 out of 10):

  • Very nice intro love the instruments and very nice vocals. I love the way the vocalist sound. This song has a very nice beat and the instruments and the vocalist are very in sync with each other. The song itself is just very well put and simply amazing.
  • Guitar in beginning of the song is engaging and goes well with the piano and drums. Lyrics are poetic and creative. I enjoy the backing vocals as they complement the lead singer's voice well. Percussion is interesting and contributes to the overall mood of the song.
  • The intro in a song is one the most important thing this one start with a guittar, the voice is kind of slow for this type of music, but the vocals at the back of the song are better, this is the type of music you can chill.
  • From the first second i heard this I liked it. The male vocalist is strong but soft, makes the song better. The back up vocalists are also great. The guitar is a necessity to the song and is as a good as it can be to me. The song does need two key elements, 1 some drums, and better lyrics. I would buy this song.
  • I really enjoyed the song since the start of it. The vocalists sang it in a style that really fits the instruments and the lyrics overall. I like the brief pause around 1:39. I enjoyed the lyrics. I also like the background echoes starting at 2:30.
  • The soothing sound of the guitar in the beginning hooked me. This song is really relaxing. The complexity of the lyrics and the meaning of them is really nice. This is an interesting love song to listen to because of the lyrics. The sound quality and the production of this song is spot on.
  • The introduction has a nice feel with lots of energy and happiness. It is a cheery and happy feel to the major chords used in the piano and guitar. The lyrics are memorable and meaningful. The vocals are nice and play to the happy chords and emotion of the song.
  • Nice track sounds tight. Nice video, I like the beat. Your mix is awesome. Recorded in top quality. Nice production. Nice instrumental. Country feel. Soft and sweet lyrics. The lyrics are well written and made a sweet love song. The recording of the vocals and instruments are done good.
  • The intro does nothing to grab my attention. The song itself is slow in tempo. The vocals are below average giving no real range of feeling. The lyrics are horrible being about a place of conflict. The audio quality is dull with no balance and emotion.
  • I like the lyrics of this song. I like how its a slow song. I really love the man vocals they sound so relaxing and cool.I like the sound of this song its so cool and hip.I like how the vocalist sound its so cool and i love Jesus songs.The dong is so nice and cool.
  • The introduction is really nice. Very good melodie, the chords are shapely, nicely donde. It has that style from the 80's, it reminds me of Neil Young with a combination of now days rock and roll balads, really great acoustic song. I love it, keep it up!
  • This song is obviously consisted of accoustic, and classic rock tunes. The melody reminds of a real love. And the voice of the vocal is trying to tell how deep his love is for the woman he is talking about, and expressing his inner feelings for.
  • The song seems to have a very sad theme in it but its all worth it because the artist did make sure that their performance was special. I am actually impressed how he interpreted the song and sang each and every word smoothly and with passion and emotion.
  • Really like this song. I love the lyrics, i feel like i should be in candle light listening to this. the beat is beautiful. as well as the voice it is very soft and relaxed. i would listen to this song often would be a playlist favorite.
  • The vocals are good, they have good harmony, its nice. But this is not my kind of song, this is not a song i can listen to, this is not my particular kind of genre. A lot it is well writing and greatly executed, I don't really like it .
  • This track has a very good produced sound. It is a bit of a sixties feel and is well arranged. The melody is good and I like the melody. The singing is well done and sticks to the melody. There is nice guitar on the track as well.
  • The beat of this is very peaceful and relaxing. I'm not real fond of the vocals. They start out to monotone for me and not a lot of diversity from the beat. The lyrics don't make much sense to me either. Not a song that I would purchase.
  • I enjoyed the guitar and the tambourine. The melody is very soothing and nice. The artist has a great unique voice with a rustic sound to his voice. This track has some great lyrics with awesome music along with it. Its a very romantic song.
  • The melody is really relaxed while being easy to at least sway to. The keyboard is a little forward, but the rest of the music is very nice. The vocals are soft and fit the overall mood. I do think his voice could be a bit clearer.
  • This is a great song the artist need some improvements with the lyrics and he was holding back with the words being spoke. the bass and instruments need improving and the song needs another artist to really set off the song. the artist needs to express his words and really let them flow out.
  • The song is nice, it's telling a cool little story. Bring out the drums and some bass because if there is any there I can't hear it, it would really add a nice smooth sound to it. The whole song fits together really well but it could use a bit more.
  • The introduction is traditional sounding. The vocals are smooth, clear and easy to understand. The beat is not overpowering. It has some nice harmonies with the background vocals. They blend well and don't overpower the lead. The chorus is smooth and steady. Overall, it blends well. Nice job!
  • I don't think i like this song that much. the melody is simple and repetitive, and so is the singer. Not a fan of the singer's voice, a little whiny and not very smooth. if I wanted something chill or acoustic ike this would pick something else.
  • Don't like it because its not my type of music. But maybe if someone who listen to this type of stuff would like it. I like the singer voice doe not really the song. Its to slow beat and not enough tone in his voice.
  • I do not care much for the beats to this song, it is a bit dull and generic, his voice is high pitched and whiny sort of. The lyrics however are very beautiful, and strong. Very powerful and loving lyrics. This could be much better tho.
  • Would definitely like to add this one to my playlist. Melody was great. Not to fast or slow and felt a deep connection to the song. The vocalist seems to be in tune well not to high or low and you can feel the emotion.
  • Inspirational and captivating song. The lyrics too displays the creativity of the artist and how deep his gallery of inspirational words is when creating these kinds of songs. I also admire the slow and mellow tempo that really made its mark to me and for sure to others too.
  • This song isn't that good and i am not a fan of the track. I am not a fan of this type of music. if I were you i would not listen to this song. the chorus was ok and the beat was nice though.
  • I really like his voice its very relaxing, it had a country tone that i enjoyed. He sings from his heart, i could feel that. I also like the music. The song had a simple feel because there were not a lot of instruments. The slow tempo through out the song was nice.

Below is an acoustic version of In The Tank Douglas Haines:
Song Title: In The Tank

Reviews of the acoustic version of In The Tank on the ReverbNation.com Crowd Review service (Song Score: 7.2 out of 10):

  • The opening is very good, the voice is perfect timing and the rhythm o the song is good. The musical arrangement is very powerful and very dynamic. I like the lyrics and I like the musical arrangement with guitar. I think the lyrics are romantic and emotional sound of voice. I think the lirycs flow natural and makes a great impact.
  • This track has something of an authentic live quality about it. The acoustic guitar playing helps contribute to this. I'm not sure if the harmonies are sung live but they are good. This is very simple music. The lyrics are powerfully telling us a story line. I think it is about a night in a tent! That's a romantic subject.
  • The song starts off slow but that is alright because you get hit with incredible and meaningful vocals that sing lyrics that have real emotion and meaning put into them. The song really tells a story that is worth telling .You can tell just from hearing what he is saying and how he is saying it.
  • The guitar playing on this track was nicely played. The lyrics were very emotional and touching. The male vocalist sang with a lot of feelings and he was right into the song. He didn't have the best tune of voice but he had passion and that is what made this song. It was so beautifully penned.
  • Slow guitar introduction to the song which is ok. This voice is another country one which I do not like at all. However again I see why people might like it, his lyrics are ok but I just don't like the general sound of country. I wouldn't recommend it as I don't know anyone who likes country.
  • The idea of starting a song with a strumming guitar is a tried and tested formula, lacking in originality but it works for this. The vocals are interesting- they have a sort of raw tone to them, that borderlines country, however transcends the genres. I like the bringing in of the backup vocals in the chorus, adds to the emotion of the lyrics. A pretty melody, I feel many would enjoy it in the genre.
  • The guitar playing in the intro was very nice and melodic, however the vocals were a little surprising. It sounded very sad and meaningful. The singer was also very clear which was good, but overall it wasn't very catchy as a song. It wasn't unpleasant to listen to though.
  • This song definitely had a great intro. The artist has an exceptional voice that gave this song a country feel. The instrumental accompaniments also sounded wonderful with the lyrics. Speaking about the lyrics, they had meaning to them and was heartwarming. This song has a great shot at being a hit.
  • The beat and rhythm are nice and the voice is soft and simple while still being rich and warm. The lyrics have meaning and the song itself sounds unaltered. Not a lot of repetition which is good. Has a sad feel to it, and is slow. I think this song could do well on a country station.
  • Nice beats to start the song. Vocalist talking over a guitar? Doesn't come across as a song. A man telling a story that doesn't really capture one's attention. In the back of my tank? Hard to actually envision being in the back of a tank. Or is he saying something else?
  • I love the sound of the guitar, especially in the introduction of a song. The guitar in this song matches perfectly with the singer's voice. His voice sounds a little weak in certain spots like when he tries to hit the higher notes and during the chorus. However, if he added more instruments to the song I think it would go unnoticed.
  • This song sounds like a Bruno Mars type of song that has elevated to a kid rock beat. The male vocals are pretty cool along with the feeling it promotes to it's viewers and it's listeners. This song is very nice and I can imagine hearing this during the middle of a romantic movie due to the quality of the lyrics.
  • Very nice traditional guitar and very heartfelt singing by the artist. Very sentimental but, not depressing. The artist has very melodious voice and hits some very strong notes. The single instrument gives a very peaceful effect. This song is peaceful yet still inspires the soul. The listener will feel emotion as they sing along.
  • The guitar in this song, I love how the singer's mellow voice made this song even more beautiful! This has kind of a rock and roll/ country vibe to it. It sounds very old school. Kind of like The Eagles. I love this song, it's very beautiful.
  • The guitar playing is very easy to hear, the blend the voice and instruments create is truly great, it is a great song to hear, the voice sounds free flowing and well to hear, the string instrument playing in the background is well played and at the perfect loudness. the powerful singing voice combined with the great beat create a great blended song.
  • The lead vocalist has a very raw, rustic quality to his voice which is only enhanced by the backing vocals in the chorus. The guitar instrumental is really skilful and sounds professional; it compliments the tone of the singer well and the combination is authentic. The vocals are very emotive although the lyrics are quite hard to make out and seem quite juvenile overall. I can imagine the commercial potential of this track to be strong. There is a wide audience base and the rhythm is attractive and fluid which will make it successful in the alternative/soft rock genre.
  • Great singing by the vocalist. Although a country singer the music really makes this beautiful. Feels slightly out when the second singer is introduced. Great harmony though between the first and second singer. Very easy listening music that a wide range of people will enjoy.
  • This song's mellow, casual style is very soothing and consoling in its dreamy, wispy vocals. The blues feeling they use accurately conveys the melancholy themes of the romantic, nostalgic lyrics very fluently. All I suggest is to practice on the vocals more and increase their singing range to add more expression and volume to the song overall.
  • The track does not have the best recording quality to it but there is a certain interesting folkie quality to it. There is a very Bruce Springsteen quality to it but you need to get better music to it. the melody is good but the vocals are way too loud compared to the music. The lyrics are great and a bit too political but with the right production this could be very good.

Photo Credits for the music video at the top of this page:
Jayel Aheram
The U.S Army
The U.S. Army
Kenny Holston
The U.S Army
U.S. Army
Minnesota National Guard
The U.S. Army
Johnny Silvercloud
The U.S Army
Nikon D7000
Mark Knobil
Will Russell
Kenny Holston